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Do You Want Your Pre-Baby Breasts Back? Here's How CSA Can Help!

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Want your pre-baby breasts back?

Pregnancy and breastfeeding can change everything about your breasts. Anything from the size and feel to the position/distance they sit on your chest. Most patients say they like how their breasts felt and looked while pregnant, but breastfeeding or weight fluctuation completely deflated them. 

So you ask, how can you get your pre-pregnancy breasts back? I have the answer for you! Breast Surgery! At Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates in Oklahoma City, triple board certified plastic surgeons Dr. Erik Nuveen and Dr. Courtney Caplin perform these surgeries daily, most commonly Breast Lift with Augmentation.

Let's break these procedures down..

To correct sagging breasts, a Breast Lift (Mastopexy) is recommended. This procedure includes resizing the nipple and areola while also relocating into a higher position. Your surgeon will determine which incision method will address your concerns, but it is usually done with the anchor or lollipop incisions - anchor incisions are around the areola, vertically down the breast and underneath in the inframammary or breast crease, and lollipop incisions are around the areola and vertically down the breasts. These incisions also allow the removal of excess skin.

After the breasts are repositioned higher and perkier, breast augmentation is recommended to help fill the breasts back out for desired upper chest fullness. With breast lifts, patients will lose a little bit of size due to the removal of the excess skin and tissue. Breast Implants help replace what is lost and add more. 

The most exciting part of this surgical procedure is deciding the desired size and shape of your breasts. Both the surgeon and the patient will work collaboratively to determine what will look best. Large, round, fake, natural, small, perky - these are common goals we hear and are happy to help achieve.  

This surgery is done either under general anesthesia or IV sedation.

Implant Options

At Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates, we carry Allergen Natrelle implants. We have four different options, with our two cohesive gel implants being the most popular.

  • Saline
  • Silicone
  • Soft Touch (cohesive gel)
  • Gummy Bear (cohesive gel)

Our triple-board certified surgeons help with recommended what implant will work best for each patient's body and stature, however we carry all four implant types for patient's to have the ability to choose what works best for them both physically and financially. 

Recovery and Final Results

The recommended time off of work after these procedures is anywhere from 5-10 days. On average, most patients stay home to recover for about 7 days. There are some restrictions. - avoiding submerging in water until incisions close and avoiding heavy lifting in the first 2-4 weeks after surgery. Specific restrictions are given to each individual patient while taking into account what their profession and every day life is life.

Sizing for new bras is usually done 4-5 weeks after surgery, but you will see more of a final result around 6 months when all swelling and discomfort is gone.

Book your consultation today!

At Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, we strive to have accessibility to our patients. We are available for consultations Tuesday-Friday in person, and Monday-Friday online. 

You can click here  to schedule your online consultation today, or call 405-842-6677 to be seen in person. 

At the time of your consultation, you will receive an individualize treatment plan and quote, as well as available surgery dates to start your transformation journey!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.