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FTM Top Surgery

FTM Top Surgery in Oklahoma City, OK

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FTM TOp Surgery in OKC Overview

One of the most visible differences between the male and female body is the masculine chest versus feminine breasts. Female to male (FTM) top surgery, also called a chest reconstruction or male chest contouring, can be performed using either the subcutaneous mastectomy procedure or double incision mastectomy with liposuction of the chest to remove breast and fat tissue. In both ftm top surgery techniques, the surgeon contours the chest muscles for a masculine appearance. For larger breasts or patients with greater skin elasticity, excess skin will also be removed so the chest skin is taut and firm and the nipple-aerolar complaex (NAC) is then resized and repositioned. A large NAC must be reduced and reshaped before it is repositioned for the most masculine chest. Since the ideal male chest is not flat, but slightly rounded from developed pectoral muscles, some gland is left in place and shaped overlying the pectoralis muscle to act as natural "pectoral implants" for a more masculine chest. At Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates in Oklahoma City, cosmetic surgeons Dr. Erik Nuveen and Dr. Courtney Caplin will help patients create their best FTM top surgery plan.

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TOP Surgery Surgical Technique

The are many surgical techniques that can be used in FTM top surgery and the plastic surgeon will typically choose based on the starting size of the chest and patient’s skin elasticity. All techniques preserve the patient’s natural nipple and areola, but the placement is usually changed to fit the new contour. Common subcutaneous mastectomy techniques include:

  • Buttonhole Technique
  • Double Incision
  • Inverted T/T-Anchor
  • Periareolar
  • Keyhole
  • Minimal Scar

During/After Surgery

FTM top surgery is generally performed as an outpatient procedure with the patient under general anesthesia at an accredited surgical facility. After the surgery, the patient will be put in a compression vest that they should wear for at least 3 – 4 weeks to minimize bruising and swelling. The plastic surgeon will go over any specific recovery instructions and schedule follow-up appointments to check the patient’s healing. The plastic surgeon can also offer information on scar care management to help minimize the appearance of surgical scars.

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FTM Top Surgery FAQs

Other Body Surgeries?

To fully transform from a female body to a male, body contouring surgeries like liposuction can help to make the body more masculine. One of the most popular FTM body contouring surgeries removes fat from the hips, thighs, and buttocks since the male lower body is typically more narrow than the female.

HRT Therapy Before?

While patients are not required to be on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) before their FTM top surgery, it can give better results. The testosterone can help develop the patient’s pectoral muscles, which will create a more natural contour.

Breast Cancer Risk?

There is no clear answer on whether or not FTM top surgery reduces or eliminates the risk of breast cancer. While less breast tissue means a lower chance of cancer cells in the breast tissue, the higher levels of estrogen from hormone replacement therapy (HRT) typically increases the risk of breast cancer. Patients should continue to perform regular self-breast examinations and have their doctor perform a chest exam annually to check for abnormalities.

Avoiding Dog Ears?

“Dog ears” are often associated with FTM top surgery as a description of the excess skin and fat that can bulge out of the stitches. “Dog ears” can be avoided with extra liposuction during the procedure for the fat below the arm pits and on the side of the chest. Patients can avoid developing “dog ear” after their surgery by maintaining a healthy, stable weight.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.