Submental fullness, commonly referred to as a double chin, is among the most difficult areas to target. Often caused by genetic predispositions, the stubborn fat located underneath your chin can be especially resistant to weight loss methods like diet and exercise.
Not only that, but the presence of a double chin correlates with lower self-esteem for many people, impacting your confidence and the way you carry yourself. At Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates, we know how far confidence can take you, and we want you to lead every day with your head held high.
When it comes to double chin removal, Jacksonville surgeons at CSA can help. We offer several methods to reduce the appearance of submental fullness, and we are happy to join you on your journey and help create your ideal profile.
Ready to get started? Book your consultation with one of our triple board-certified surgeons.
Finding the Right Method for You
Surgical double chin reduction methods can provide permanent results, but there’s no single approach that will suit every patient. Instead, we tailor your plan based on your own needs, goals, and preferences, which we discuss in detail during your personal consultation.
Liposuction is an excellent, minimally invasive procedure to remove specific deposits of fat.
To reduce your double chin, your surgeon will make small, inconspicuous incisions just under your chin, which then allow for a thin tube, called a cannula, to be inserted. The cannula suctions out a portion of the fat, creating a more sculpted, defined neck and jawline.

With a relatively short recovery time and minimal scarring, liposuction can create a simple yet transformative change to your appearance.
Neck Lift
While liposuction alone can be better suited for individuals with little to no loose skin, we often suggest a neck lift for patients experiencing more significant skin laxity.
With incisions made in front of or behind your ears, as well as just underneath your chin, we can suction out unwanted fat with liposuction methods. Then, we trim away excess skin and suture the incisions closed, leaving the remaining skin taut for a more youthful appearance.
Emface With Surgery
Emface, a nonsurgical approach to facial rejuvenation, utilizes specialized forms of energy to stimulate your facial muscles and tighten the skin, all without requiring any incisions.
It’s important to note that the results of Emface alone are temporary. For lasting results from your double chin removal, Jacksonville surgeons at CSA may recommend pairing Emface with liposuction or a neck lift to not only remove excess fat, but to tighten the skin and keep your jaw muscles lifted.
Explore Your Options at Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates
We have options, but that doesn’t mean you have to narrow them down yourself. From a blepharoplasty to buccal fat removal, we are here to bring your vision to life. Visit our website to discuss your concerns with our experts and determine the best solution for you.